【学术报告】Next Generation Gait Rehabilitation Robotics
日期:2018-06-20   阅读:758  

时        间:6月21日(周四) 10:00-12:00

地        点:电院群楼2-406会议室


Dr. Yu Haoyong 

National University of Singapore


Abstract:  Stroke is the leading course of adult disability due to the rapid population aging. Robots can be used in stroke rehabilitation to reduce the labor intensity as well as improve functional outcomes. However, the full potential of robot-assisted rehabilitation has not been realized due to the limitation of the design, sensing and control of the robotic systems. In this talk, a novel robotic exoskeleton and a robotics walker for strike patients to conduct over-ground gait training will be presented, with focus on the perspective on design, sensing, and control for the next generation gait rehabilitation robotics. 


Biography:  Dr. Yu Haoyong is an Associate Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the National University of Singapore. He received his Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and his PhD degree from Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT). He was the Principal Member of Technical Staff in DSO National Laboratories of Singapore before he joined NUS 2010. He is a Principal Investigator of the Singapore Institute of Neurotechnology (SiNAPSE) and the Advanced Robotic Center of NUS (ARC) of NUS. His current research interests include biomedical robotics and devices, rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology, biologically inspired robotics, intelligent control and machine learning. http://www.bioeng.nus.edu.sg/biorob/




