"Development of robust behaviour recognition for an at-home biomonitoring robot with assistance of subject localization and enhanced visual tracking,"
Nevrez Imamoglu, Enrique Dorronzoro, Zhixuan Wei, Huangjun Shi, Masashi Sekine, Jose Gonzalez, Dong-Yun Gu, Weidong Chen and Wenwei Yu, The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 280207.
An improved extended information filter SLAM algorithm based on omnidirectional vision
Jingchuan Wang, Weidong Chen, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014, 2014. Article ID 948505.
张晓颖, 李德伟, 席裕庚, 陈卫东, 控制理论与应用, 31(11): 1464-1472, 2014.
屈云飞, 陈卫东, 曹其新, 上海交通大学学报, 48(7): 922-928, 2014.
李梁, 王贺升, 陈卫东, 上海交通大学学报, 48(12): 1700-1707, 2014.
Map-based localization for mobile robots in high-occluded and dynamic environments
Yong Wang, Weidong Chen, Jingchuan Wang, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 41(3): 241-252, 2014.
Robust stability and stabilization of fractional order linear systems with positive real uncertainty
Yingdong Ma, Junguo Lu, and Weidong Chen, ISA Transactions, 53 (2): 199–209, 2014.
Robust stability bounds of uncertain fractional-order systems
Yingdong Ma, Junguo Lu, Weidong Chen, and Yangquan Chen, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 17(1): 136–153, 2014.
唐恒博, 陈卫东, 王景川, 机器人, 36(1): 29-35, 2014.
Uncalibrated image-based visual servoing of rigid-link electrically driven robotic manipulators
Xinwu Liang, Hesheng Wang, Weidong Chen, Yun-hui Liu, Asian Journal of Control, 16(3): 714-728, 2014.