  • Coupled task scheduling for heterogeneous multi-robot system of two robot types performing complex-schedule order fulfillment tasks

  • Trajectory planning of a spatial flexible manipulator for vibration suppression

  • Adaptive visual servoing for an underwater soft robot considering refraction effects

  • Leader-following formation control of nonholonomic mobile robots with velocity observers

  • Visual servo-collision avoidance hybrid task by considering detection and localization of contact for a soft manipulator

  • Purely image-based pose stabilization of nonholonomic mobile robots with a truly uncalibrated overhead camera

  • Calibration-free image-based trajectory tracking control of mobile robots with an overhead camera

  • Integration, sensing, and control of a modular soft-rigid pneumatic lower limb exoskeleton

  • A self-repairing algorithm with optimal repair path for maintaining motion synchronization of mobile robot network

  • 自主机器人实验室



