Underwater dynamic modeling for a cable-driven soft robot arm
Fan Xu, Hesheng Wang, Kwok W. Samuel Au, Weidong Chen, Yanzi Miao, IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 23(6): 2726-2738, 2018.
Adaptive visual servoing control for an underwater soft robot
Fan Xu, Hesheng Wang, Weidong Chen, Jingchuan Wang, Assembly Automation, 38(5): 669-677, 2018.
Ego-motion estimation of a quadrotor based on nonlinear observer
Hesheng Wang, Dongliang Zheng, Jingchuan Wang, Weidong Chen, Jianjun Yuan, IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 23(3): 1138-1147, 2018.
Adaptive visual servoing of contour features”
Hesheng Wang, Bohan Yang, Jingchuan Wang, Xinwu Liang, Weidong Chen, Yun-Hui Liu, IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 23(2): 811-822, 2018.
Image-based position control of mobile robots with a completely unknown fixed camera
Xinwu Liang, Hesheng Wang, Yun-hui Liu, Weidong Chen, Zhongliang Jing, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 63(9): 3016-3023, 2018.
Planning and tracking in image space for image-based visual servoing of a quadrotor
Dongliang Zheng, Hesheng Wang, Weidong Chen, Yong Wang, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, 65(4): 3376-3385, 2018.
Formation control of nonholonomic mobile robots without position and velocity measurements
Xinwu Liang, Hesheng Wang, Yun-Hui Liu, Weidong Chen, Tao Liu, IEEE Trans. on Robotics (T-RO), 34(2): 434-446, 2018.
Automatic illumination planning for robot vison inspection system
Hesheng Wang, Jingchuan Wang, Weidong Chen, Lifei Xu, Neurocomputing, 275: 19-28, 2018.
王昱欣, 王贺升, 陈卫东, 机器人, 40(5): 619-625, 2018.